This year, 2,650 people in New Jersey will be diagnosed with melanoma. Despite recent advances, many of them will die. The best protection is prevention. UV r...
If it seems to you that the merger of Rutgers University and Robert Wood Johnson Medical School has been a long time coming, you are right. It has not been ju...
I was pleased to note that the most recent meeting of the East Brunswick Water Policy Advisory Committee concluded that East Brunswick’s policy of fluoridatin...
The holy grail of oncology is not to treat, but to prevent cancer. For some cancers, that solution is clear. However, for most it is a goal of research. ...
I just returned from making rounds at our area hospitals. Once again, as in crisis past, I had the honor of observing the women and men who are right now maki...
The United States of America has the finest cancer care in the world. More cancer treatments were developed here than everywhere else, combined. Administeri...
Not long ago a local physician had a serious problem. This MD, we will call him Doc Joe, had a patient he could not help. Mike was killing himself. No matter ...
Like many families, we have a summer vacation ritual. For a week, we squeeze into a too small shore house. 20+ people come and go. We eat too much, never ...
Summer vacation at the Jersey Shore. Hot ivory sand, rolling olive-white waves, endless cerulean sky. Black headed gulls glide downwind and beat back agains...