During the average office visit the physician listens patiently and compassionately for…14 seconds. That is how long it takes the doctor to interrupt. Thi...
In June, I had a hard conversation. I told my patient that breast cancer had spread to her bones. This was very bad news. Fortunately, I was able to rea...
Kathryn and her son sit tensely before me. CT scan, blood tests and biopsy done, there are decisions to be make. There is radiation, surgery or perhaps chem...
I recently had the opportunity to review the McKinsey Report on United States Healthcare. This exhaustive study breaks down how we spend well over $2.3 trilli...
Dr Jacob “Jack” Kevorkian died on June 3, 2011 of complications arising out of chronic kidney disease, hepatitis C and a blood clot, at William Beaumont...
The lead article in the New York Times this Saturday revealed that each year 75,000 patients nationally have apparently unnecessary double chest CT scans. Whi...
When you have a medical problem and are consulting a physician, is it more important to know the question or the answer? If you are having any kind of test, s...