
“Good morning, Steve, how are you doing?” Feeble short handshake, fingers cooler than mine, eyes watch the chart where I apparently lie....

Stop cancer research?

Sounds as crazy to me, as it does to you, but this idea actually may have merit....

Is there pain after death?

Pain that is not relieved in a person’s life continues after they are gone, held as a sordid memory by loved ones. ...

We are doomed

This was time enough; when the call was complete, and the intrusion lovingly cradled back in her purse, the future was clear…mankind is doomed. ...

CancerLand, the undiscovered country

The undiscovered country, from whose bourn no traveler returns, puzzles the will and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not...

Food and Cancer Treatment

Gurus recommend less sugar, more vitamins, less carbs, more or less protein, vegetarian, macrobiotic or purging dietary plans. Liquefied asparagus, Kelp, algae...

WSJ wrong – we need IT

A reactionary opinion in the Wall Street Journal expanded to the point of silliness the conclusions of a review of healthcare IT. I have news for them; EMRs w...

The aggressive chemo fallacy

We are in a war, a war on cancer. We talk of battle and attack, magic bullets, proton beam rays, laser surgery and targeted drugs, doctors as combat commanders,...

The joy of her company

I enjoy Ethel’s visits. I learn about her children and grandchildren. I learn about her husband and friends. That is good, because when we talk I rarely le...

Can we watch prostate cancer?

Almost 80% of 80-year-old men carry a small amount of prostate cancer. However, 80% of men do not die from this disease....