DNR verses CPR

I do not want to end my life with some gorilla pounding on my chest!...

Radiation: power to cure

Radiation therapy is an astonishingly precise tool with millimeter accuracy, based on advanced physics, experimentation and, above all, power....

What an Oncologist feels

I recognized a feeling, a fatigue, a wisdom of experience, which I have seen before. In that cinematic portrayal of world-weariness, I recognized myself....

The real cost of med school?

In a fascinating and surprising paper in researchers find the most recent medical school graduates actually spend more treating their patients....

Saving after Sandy

When the saga of the storm is written, there will be a long list of remarkable people who instead of running away, ran forward to help. ...

Don’t Touch, just Treat

What kind of physician am I; Dr Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? Am I a barren earth, Agent Orange, burn it to the ground chemotherapist stopping at nothing to kill cancer ...

The Doctor as Patient

Terry is a particularly difficult patient. The thing that makes her so difficult is that Terry is married. Terry is married to Dr. P and he is a particularly ...

Is remission cure?

You are in complete remission.” Baffled she answered, “That is really wonderful, Dr. Salwitz, but am I cured?”...