Cancer 101: MicroRNA and Cancer

Cancer is the disease of uncontrolled growth. Growth switches that should be off are turned on. Regulating genes in our cells malfunction, and malignant cell di...

Cancer, mass, tumor…what’s in a name?

Today, a patient said to me, “Doc, I understand I have cancer, but when you start talking about tumors I really get scared.”   Now, I certainly did not in...

Cancer 101: PET Scans

Let us play doctor.   Believe for a moment that you are sitting in your office advising a patient.   On the patient’s chest X-ray is a half-inch spot.  T...

Cancer 101: All Bleeding Stops

When black night turns red by gunshot and blade, when pressures drop and life starts to fade, doctors are solaced by words which can jade, ALL BLEEDING STOPS! ...