Sophie and I took a walk this morning to remind ourselves of why we fight cancer. Actually, Sophie’s goal was to continue her eternal search for the perfect smell, and figure out why none of the robins will play with her. I was out to get the paper. To our surprise, we were overwhelmed by the delicious air, the constant birdsong and the natural excitement of a Spring morning. The fresh wind carried with it not only rejuvenation, but also reward for getting through a tough winter in the war against the dread disease.
Short overcast frigid winter days are a drain on us all, but none more than those with cancer. Bones and muscles ache, hands and feet are numb; the chill penetrates deep and the lack of sunlight leads to apathy and depression. The snow-ice grey of January leaches strength and mobility. Trapped inside our homes, we are reminded we are trapped inside our frail bodies. Each faded day blends with the next and it is hard to feel warmth or hope.
Therefore, Sophie and I have a simple message to all those who battled cancer through the cold dreary months. To the patients, wives, husbands, parents, children, and friends. To nurses, aides, pharmacists, office workers, kitchen staff and doctors. To administrators, scientists, billing staff and house cleaners. It is Spring and it is beautiful. You made it. You deserve the reward of sun in your face, heat on your back, quarrelsome squirrels in trees, bright blossoms, cut grass, noisy streets, fresh baked bread in the air, and the vision of young love in the park.
Whatever Spring means to you, get out there and enjoy. Celebrate the life, excitement and hope that is carried on its breezes. Enjoy a late sunset, a walk in the woods, rock on the porch swing, throw a ball and cheer at sport. Let the smells, sounds and color bring joy and memory. Share in this special time.
Why do we fight cancer? We fight because we love every moment of life and it is never more glorious then a pristine morning in spring. More than any monument of man, the celebration born of the freshening sun gives us strength, hope and glory. Congratulations, you have survived; you are alive and these moments, this Spring, is for you. Revel in the glory of life reborn.