Millions of lives and billions of dollars were saved this week and America moved a step towards a healthy new future. Nine medical societies (soon to be 17) an...
There was no mistake, but a bad thing has happened. Despite the best efforts of the doctors, Bob’s wife is very sick. Due to a rare side effect of treatment...
One of the world’s guardians and leaders in Hospice and Palliative Medicine, Dr. Ira Byock, has published another excellent and powerful book. The Best Care ...
It is hard to lie to patients who are dying. To look a fellow human in the eye and tell them “everything will be OK,” is painful. To give treatment that i...
It is hard giving good news. I must be kidding, right? No, for an Oncologist giving news that the cancer is in remission, that the scan is normal or that the ...
Friday is cold and busy in the Emergency Room. The chaos is a living compound of blood, alcohol, fear and disease. Frank lays on a thin padded gurney in the ...
I am confused about the physician – patient relationship. I see doctors as diagnosticians, advisors and caregivers. I believe patients are information source...
OK, you caught me. I am mortal. After four score or so years, my body will fail and I will live no longer. Dust to dust. Not thrilled, but I expect most of you ...
A frightened Diane called me today. She was in big trouble. Her primary doctor’s office had called with terrible news. The MRI showed Diane had a lesion. ...