The Amy Foundation held it is third annual “Walk for Diane” this Sunday in Buccleuch Park, New Brunswick. The event raised dollars to pay for screening mammograms and ultrasounds at St. Peters and Robert Wood Johnson hospitals. More than 300 people participated and remembered Diane Goodwin, who after a remarkable 16-year struggle against Stage IV breast cancer, died in 2009. On a perfect technicolor fall morning, money was raised to pay for more than 250 mammograms.
It is clear why the family and friends of Diane come out for this event. They remember the positive attitude she brought to the battle and the “good life” she lead during all those years. I understand the motivation of the doctors, nurses and staff of local hospitals who walked. Finally, the commitment of survivors or family that have suffered from breast cancer is obvious. What amazed me was the dominant involvement of students from Rutgers University.
The Kappa Sigma Fraternity was out in force and demonstrated major support for the Amy Foundation and it’s mission to fight breast cancer. This was the third fall Amy Foundation event that the Fraternity has helped sponsor. First, they held a fund raising breakfast. Then they held a Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament (a Wii game, which admittedly I had to look up). And, finally, in this their biggest event, they marched.
Joined by sorority sisters from Phi Sigma Sigma and Tau Beta Pi, more then 40 Kappa Sigma’s got up early on Sunday morning (a not minor sacrifice for the college crowd) and Walked for Diane. They used their personal and online connections to raise more then $5,000. In our community, by their effort, mammograms will be performed to protect women who could not otherwise afford this life saving test. Somewhere, not far from the idyllic park setting where the Rutgers Walkers spent their morning, may be a woman whose life will be saved as a direct result of their efforts.
With all the confusion and angst, which is modern society, it is inspiring to see young people coming out to help. Most of them have no personal stake in the battle against breast cancer. It shows personal and fraternal commitment to society and a willingness to work together that is reassuring and inspiring.
Salim Short, Service Chair for Kappa Sigma, observed that community service is an obligation of the Fraternity and helps bring its members together. I suspect that even more such involvement helps connect our entire society. Their communal bond offers hope in the battle against breast cancer. These fine young men and women honor Diane Goodwin’s memory.