Morphine: too much or too little

The balance between the benefits of narcotics and their side effects is at the core of the Principle of Double Effect....

Why not choose death?

There is no dignity in death. Death is dead. There can only be dignity while we live....

What an Oncologist feels

I recognized a feeling, a fatigue, a wisdom of experience, which I have seen before. In that cinematic portrayal of world-weariness, I recognized myself....

Don’t Touch, just Treat

What kind of physician am I; Dr Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? Am I a barren earth, Agent Orange, burn it to the ground chemotherapist stopping at nothing to kill cancer ...

Lynched by Colon Cancer

True or false; the biggest genetic risk is for breast cancer? False. In the United States, the risk for being born with a gene, which will result in breast canc...

The bus rider

–            Damn, just look at the time; I’m going to be late if that old lady doesn’t hurry up.  Could she move slower? For God’s sake...

Stop cancer research?

Sounds as crazy to me, as it does to you, but this idea actually may have merit....

Is there pain after death?

Pain that is not relieved in a person’s life continues after they are gone, held as a sordid memory by loved ones. ...

We are doomed

This was time enough; when the call was complete, and the intrusion lovingly cradled back in her purse, the future was clear…mankind is doomed. ...